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4 dl grädde
Vispas fluffigt.
3 äggulor
1 dl socker
Vispas poröst.
2 dubbla dajm
Blanda försiktigt ihop alltihop och bred över en marängbotten (antingen färdigköpt eller detta recept. In i frysen och så har du en supergod tårta.
Ha det:)

It’s been a lot of fun in the kitchen this weekend when we have had two birthday children at home. At the party we offered Gulasch soupe, freshly baked bread, cake with daim and elder and lemon cake.  During the weekend, I  also managed to watch both TV sections of men who hate women, it is still a long time before the next episode. I thought you could get the recipe for the classic that often is a request in our home.

Cake with Daim

4 dl cream
Whipped fluffy.
3 egg yolks
1 dl sugar
Whipped porous.
2 double dajm

Gently mix all ingredients and spread over the meringue base  in a baking tin. Put the cake in the freezer and then you have a delicious cake.

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